25 Jan 2011

The best way to use ur last 5 minutes of your day

Diposting oleh simpony bahagia kehidupan di Selasa, Januari 25, 2011

If a person can do that well, everything else takes care of itself. That's how people become life-long learners. And it's how companies become learning organizations. It requires confidence, openness, and letting go of defenses. But here's what it doesn't require: much time.
It only takes a few minutes. About five actually. A brief pause at the end of the day to consider what worked and what didn't.
Here's what I propose:
Every day, before leaving the office, save a few minutes to think about what just happened. Look at your calendar and compare what actually happened — the meetings you attended, the work you got done, the conversations you had, the people with whom you interacted, even the breaks you took — with your plan for what you wanted to have happen. Then ask yourself three sets of questions:
·         How did the day go? What success did I experience? What challenges did I endure?

·         What did I learn today? About myself? About others? What do I plan to do — differently or the same — tomorrow?

·         Who did I interact with? Anyone I need to update? Thank? Ask a question? Share feedback?

This last set of questions is invaluable in terms of maintaining and growing relationships. It takes just a few short minutes to shoot off an email — or three — to share your appreciation for a kindness someone extended, to ask someone a question, or to keep someone in the loop on a project.
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1 komentar on "The best way to use ur last 5 minutes of your day"

Dhymalk dhykTa on 25 Januari 2011 pukul 20.26 mengatakan...

firstly, thanks for adding my fb...


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